LADY'S AND GENTLEMEN ROLL UP ROLL UP TO PLAY EXTREMELY OVERPRICED GAMES THAT NEVER LET YOU WIN!!! yep that's our town fair f or you... sadly enough i cant wait for next years :) me and my friend mia went down with $61 in total and came back asking for $10 more. but it was for a good cause i mean food, slushies, drinks, games, circus show, strength tester, balloon pop, show bags, clowns and a giant jumping castle and there were two of us!
sigh but i got some awesome prizes... or as my mum calls them '' JUNK'' see to me JUNK is not a word i use... i like to call it collectibles or things i will love then never touch again until i sell it for 20cents at a garage sale. mum just sighs when i say that
the things i got were 1. Bubble gun 2.sticky fake fly 3.plastic samurai sword 4. elephant water-gun 5. paddle ball 6. mega fun show bag and 7.lolly galore show bag
thats all i have to say. so bye xx
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